Tuesday, 6 November 2012

oreo brownies

salam sejahtera semua...

entri kali ni nak kongsi resepi oreo brownies.. sebelum ni baru sekali cuba buat brownies.. kali ni nak cuba lagi tapi dengan versi yang lain.. OREO.. kalau budak2 mesti suka oreo kan.. so,bila gantikan kekacang dengan oreo.. nyata rasanya lebih rangup dan sedap.. tp tu pendapat saya secara peribadi je lah ye.. kalau korang xtau lah.. yelah,jangankan selera lain2.. tekak pun milik masing2 kan.. xdenya yang berkongsi tekak.. hehe..

resepi ni saya ambil dari sugar and snapshots .. bila tengok gambar oreo brownies tu terus hati tertawan.. hehe.. masa tu boleh imagine je lah kan rasanya... nak makan xboleh.. so,drpd asyik terbayang baik try buat sendiri.. jadi,apalagi..proses penyediaan pun bermula lah..

 resepi ni menghasilkan 16 potong brownies berukuran 2x2 inci.. dan loyang yang digunakan ialah 8x8x3 inci ( 20 cm).. square pan.. tetapi ada beberapa bahan yang saya ubahsuai mengikut stok yang ada kat dapur.. dan saya hanya buat separuh adunan sahaja.. yelah,family kecik je.. so,buat sikit2 je lah..  kang membazir pulak.. 

okeylah sebelum kita skodeng resepinya.. kenalah ucap terima kasih dulu kan.. thank you to sugar & snapshots and Lorraine Pascale (baking made easy) for the great great recipe.. TQ  ^_^

(Adapted from Lorraine Pascal’s Baking Made Easy)


5 1/2 oz (165g) unsalted butter - saya guna salted butter
7 oz (200g) semi-sweet chocolate, finely chopped
4 eggs
5 1/2 oz (165g) light brown sugar - saya kurangkan 7gm
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
A pinch of salt - saya xletak
16 Oreo cookies, broken into pieces


Preheat your oven to about 350°F (180°C). Line an 8x8x3-inch (20cm) baking pan with baking paper with the paper overlapping the sides (this will make them easier to lift out of the pan after baking.  

Melt your butter in a pan over medium heat. Remove from heat and add the chopped chocolate, stir until smooth and well combined. 

Whisk the eggs in a large mixing bowl until they triple in volume. Add half the brown sugar around the outer edge of the eggs in the bowl (so you don’t knock the air out of the mix) and whisk until incorporated. Add the remaining sugar again around the edge, and whisk again for a few minutes until the mix is smooth and you can’t feel any sugar crystals in between your fingers. Whisk the melted chocolate into the eggs quickly to incorporate it.  

Add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, salt and a third of the broken up Oreos) around the edge of the bowl and fold in until combined, taking care not to knock the air out. Pour the mix into the paper-lined baking pan. Scatter the remaining chunks of Oreo cookies over the top of the mixture, pressing some into the batter. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the middle is only slightly gooey. 

Set the pan on a wire rack to cool completely. When cooled, lift the baking paper and brownies out of the pan and set on a cutting board. Cut into 2×2-inch squares (in half and then half again, both ways)

p/s = nampak sgt ketidaksama rataan potongan brownies kan..  maaflah ye.. msa tu anak baru blk tadika.. mmg kelam kabut sikit.. xsempat2 nak ukur... hehe.. bolehlah kan sb yang makan pun  kami anak beranak.. tapi kalau korang nak buat jualan,kenalah buat lagi cantik dari ni ye.. hehe..


  1. hi may Pah here...nice blog may...brownies x pernah buat coz beli selalu...boleh try yr recipe la after this

  2. hi kak pah.. thank you sb sudi singgah blog may.. kalau akak yang buat tentu hasilnya lebih umphh.. hehe.. anyway,thanks ya kak.. :)
